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EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc.


EDI focuses on living things and where they live. We have been in business for over two decades and you can find us in nine locations in western and northern Canada.

We have a team of around 100 experienced specialists, including biologists, scientists, and planners with expertise you can trust to work on your project. We provide practical, environmental consulting services, specializing in aquatic and terrestrial sciences, as well as environmental management.

Why practical? — because that's the kind of result that you can actually do something with.

It drives us to stay focused on our clients’ needs.

It drives us towards effective results.

It means that when we talk with our clients, we listen.

It means that if we're nearby, we’ll stop by your project and take that sample you need.

Most importantly, it means that we take aquatic and terrestrial biology out of the theoretical world and put it to work for you on the ground (or in the water). And, at the end of it all, we won’t hand you a report that calls for more reports. You'll have actionable plans and hands-on management to keep your project moving forward.

It's an approach we call Down to Earth Biology


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