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Caliber Mudjacking Ltd is a family owned business started in 1984 and has been in the concrete industry for 41 years.
Caliber Mudjacking has been lifting sunken concrete since 1991 and have been serving Grande Prairie, AB and the entire Peace Region since 1996.
Caliber Mudjacking Ltd owner Kurt Lummerding has been lifting sunken concrete for 25 years, and takes pride in quality workmanship in each sunken concrete job Kurt raises. Kurt lifts each sunken concrete job so you will get quality workmanship each job backed by his industry leading knowledge and experience.
Caliber Mudjacking Ltd is experienced in both Mudjacking (Grout Injection) & Polyurethane Foam concrete lifting methods. Owner Kurt Lummerding provides the best method for your raising sunken concrete, every job is different and needs to visually inspected to insure te best outcome is provided each and every job.
Mudjacking (Grout Injection): Sand, fine Clay and Type 10 Hydraulic Cement mix injected through 1-inch holes in the concrete filling the voids and raising the concrete.
Grout injection is 100% controllable which gives great advantage when lifting sunken concrete allows to fill voids better, puts less stress on the concrete as the concrete is being lifted because of the longer set up times allows the concrete to be floated to height which is great adavantage when lifting concrete to close to original height as possible.
Grout Injection for all types of concrete lifting jobs and is the perfered choice because of the many advantages it has over Polyurethane foam.
Polyurethane Foam: 2 part liquid injected through 5/8-inch holes in the concrete filling voids and lifting the concrete. Polyurethane lifting foams are high denisty foams that expand to lift the concrete and their is different density of foam materials depending on the job. Foam materials set up fast within 10 mins which is also a disvantage because it forces the concrete up which puts alot more stress on the concrete.
Polyurethane Foam is an expanding foam which doesn't allow you to control the concrete while its being lifted which is a big disadvantage to obtaining proper height, the expanding foam material doesn't allow you to fill voids properly because of the risk of over injecting which results in concrete pads left hollow.
Polyurethane foam material is expensive and to do a proper job and to fill voids best as possible which can make it 30% - 50% more then mudjacking job and results aren't as consistent or as good as a grout injection job can do when lifting concrete.
Polyurethane foam can be good option for heavy industrial sunken concrete pads as the weight of the concrete compresses the foam material as the concrete pad is being lifted because of the weight of the industrial slab which allows the concrete pad to be filled properly without the risks of over lifting while trying to fill the concrete pad. Polyurethane foam is good option when access is limited to raise the sunken concrete.
Polyurethane foam has its place in the concrete lifting industry and is not for every sunken concrete job and the sunken concrete job should be accessed by a professional who is experienced in both concrete lifting methods to give the customer the best option to lifting their sunken concrete back to proper height.